Chael Sonnen’s Best UFC Brazil Press Conference Quotes

UFC President Dana White took Chael Sonnen to Brazil for a press conference held this morning to announce that the much-anticipated UFC 147 bout between Sonnen and Anderson Silva was actually being moved to UFC 148.And, as he usually does, Sonnen stole…

UFC President Dana White took Chael Sonnen to Brazil for a press conference held this morning to announce that the much-anticipated UFC 147 bout between Sonnen and Anderson Silva was actually being moved to UFC 148.

And, as he usually does, Sonnen stole the show. 

You can watch the full press conference in the video embedded above, but I’ve transcribed some of Sonnen’s golden moments below. 


On the fight being moved to Las Vegas:

Look, Las Vegas is the fight capital of the world. This is the biggest fight in the history of combat. Boxing, wrestling, fighting; anything that’s mano-a-mano, there’s nothing that’s bigger than this. It’s going to take place on July 7th. We’re going to the biggest city. We’re going to the fight capital of Earth. We will be the biggest sporting event in the history of combat.

My plan wasn’t to walk in here and tell you guys we’re not coming here. My plan was to come here, take your money, my new belt and go back to America. But instead, I’m going to have to wait. I’m going to have to stomp him on July 7th, and that’s exactly what I’m going to do.


Does he think the Brazilian people are offended by his comments?

Well, first off, my impression has been great and I think there’s been a misunderstanding. I don’t have anything against the Brazilian people. I got something against a Brazilian that’s sitting a few feet from me and maybe with a couple of other gentlemen. But your women are all okay with me, so feel free to give me a call or pay me a visit.

But as far as my impression? It’s a lot like America. You know, when I was a little kid, I remember going outside and sitting around with my friends. We’d talk about the latest technology and medicine and gaming and American ingenuity. And I would look outside and Anderson and the Brazilian kids are sitting outside playing in the mud.

And I’ll tell you something else. I think it’s disgusting and I think it’s an embarrassment to the sport that he would come around with that fake belt when the entire world watched me defeat him on live TV. He goes and gets himself a fake belt and sits up here and pretends to be champion. He’s obviously thriving off of all of the new fans of the sport by putting out misinformation and trying to mislead everybody. But as sure as night follows day, I sit before you undefeated and undisputed.


After Silva talked about his legacy:

This guy says the craziest stuff, man. He’s surrounded by yes-men. It’s unbelievable that he actually thinks like that. He talks about his legacy. He’s so close to the trees that he can’t see the forest. Come to America and ask people what they think about him. Oh yeah, this guy is the real deal. He became the No. 1 contender when he beat the great Chris Leben. He then defended his belt against the great Patrick Cote and the amazing Thales Leites. What a star this guy is.

What about the fact that I called him out for six years? “Oh, you’re disrespecting my family.” Yes, I did, and what did you do about it? Not a damn thing, and you’re not gonna do anything on July 7th. Get your excuses ready now, Anderson. I told everybody before the first fight that our skills are not even close and that I’m going to destroy him.

And I will tell you again now: Our skills are not even close. So go to your Ed Soares school of excuse-making and get some handy, because you’re going to need them on July 7th.

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