The Ultimate Show Exclusive: Jay Glazer Talks MMA Training in NFL & More

Jay Glazer co-founder of MMATHLETICS & NFL Insider has begun providing MMA style training for NFL athletes. He currently trains about 50 players including stars like Clay Mathews and Jared Allen. The program utilizes MMA style training and principl…

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Jay Glazer co-founder of MMATHLETICS & NFL Insider has begun providing MMA style training for NFL athletes. He currently trains about 50 players including stars like Clay Mathews and Jared Allen. The program utilizes MMA style training and principles and applies them to football. Glazer feels that the training helps out in several ways. First hip strength and movement are increased through training, second by teaching athletes to think like a fighter learning to shake of blows and hit them back even harder.


So far Glazer has managed to get MMA style training equipment into the Saint Louis Rams and Atlanta Falcons indoor training facilities. Although Glazer admires the hard work and toughness required to make it into the NFL he holds the opinion that not a single player in the league could make it in UFC. Stating that asides from Jared Allen every player expressed a desire not to be hit during training. 

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