UFC Macau Headliner Cung Le Talks ‘Man With The Iron Fists,’ Franklin & US Election

Alienware correspondent Tracy Lee had a chance to catch up with UFC Middleweight, Cung Le last week in LA as he made appearances for his upcoming movie, The Man With the Iron Fists. This movie was directed by RZA & written by RZA and Horror Films, Eli Roth. Cung Le talks about his part as Bronze Lion, his friendship with RZA, as well as his future in acting. He makes sure you know that he is very focused on his upciming fight in Macau against Rich franklin a mere week after the movie releases. He plays side by side with Dave Bautista who has recently made his MMA debut.

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Alienware correspondent Tracy Lee had a chance to catch up with UFC Middleweight, Cung Le last week in LA as he made appearances for his upcoming movie, The Man With the Iron Fists. This movie was directed by RZA & written by RZA and Horror Films, Eli Roth. Cung Le talks about his part as Bronze Lion, his friendship with RZA, as well as his future in acting. He makes sure you know that he is very focused on his upciming fight in Macau against Rich franklin a mere week after the movie releases. He plays side by side with Dave Bautista who has recently made his MMA debut.