Wanderlei Silva Says Chael Sonnen Is Scared of Him

While Chael Sonnen continuously bashes Brazilian fighters, Wanderlei Silva doesn’t seem to take too kindly to the UFC middleweight’s harsh words.Silva, who was in Frankfurt, Germany conducting fight seminars, said Sonnen has not been choosing his words…

While Chael Sonnen continuously bashes Brazilian fighters, Wanderlei Silva doesn’t seem to take too kindly to the UFC middleweight’s harsh words.

Silva, who was in Frankfurt, Germany conducting fight seminars, said Sonnen has not been choosing his words wisely when it comes to being vocal about Brazil. Silva, among many other prominent Brazilian fighters, has been verbally attacked by Sonnen. 

“I think he’s doing the wrong thing, he’s doing the wrong promotion,” Silva said.

When asked if he were to face Sonnen in a future bout, Silva was interested but was unsure he would provoke him in the same manner because he believes Sonnen is intimidated.

“The last time I kind of saw him, he ran. He didn’t come and talk to me,” he said.

Although it seems unlikely, a matchup between Silva and Sonnen would be an entertaining fight to see. Sonnen’s outspoken attitude about Brazilians would motivate “The Axe Murderer” to put on a performance and ensure a great fight for the fans. 

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