Shane Carwin Says Body Seized Up; Credits Brock Lesnar for Performance

The word ‘holy’ was immediately followed by millions of ‘expletives’ Saturday night , when Shane Carwin caught Brock Lesnar in the early going of their UFC 116 tilt, and proceeded to pound away at the champion for what seemed like days. Of course, Mr. Lesnar survived the rated ‘M- for Mature’ beat down, only to […]


The word ‘holy’ was immediately followed by millions of ‘expletives’ Saturday night , when Shane Carwin caught Brock Lesnar in the early going of their UFC 116 tilt, and proceeded to pound away at the champion for what seemed like days. Of course, Mr. Lesnar survived the rated ‘M- for Mature’ beat down, only to sub Carwin in round two.

Although Lesnar had the piss beat out of him in round 1 (and thankfully for clean-up crews afterwards that wasn’t literally the case), as round two began he seemed relatively okay, while Carwin didn’t exactly appear to be fresh. Well, speaking on his official blog, the imposing heavyweight explained why that was the case.

“When I had him in trouble the ref keep saying he was going to stop it and then towards the end of the 1st my body began to seize up. In between rounds I could not move my legs and had what felt like a whole body cramp. My cardio was fine but my body was not. What can you do? You have to stand up and face your opponent.”…“Heading into the second I knew I need to finish the fight or I was going to be in trouble. Much like the Champion he is I am sure Brock was thinking the same thing. I had zero take down defense as my legs were dead to me and the rest is as they say history.”

So there you have it. It should be interesting to see who the UFC matches Carwin up against next. Somehow we’re thinking Carwin won’t be much fun to fight…

MMA Top 10 Heavyweights: Brock Is the Best

Filed under: UFC, Strikeforce, M-1 Global, Rankings, Heavyweights
The UFC heavyweight champion is now the undisputed heavyweight champion of mixed martial arts.

Zuffa’s belt already signified the best fighter in every weight class from bantamweight th…

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The UFC heavyweight champion is now the undisputed heavyweight champion of mixed martial arts.

Zuffa’s belt already signified the best fighter in every weight class from bantamweight through light heavyweight, and now the two big heavyweight fights of the last two weekends — Fabricio Werdum’s shocking upset over Fedor Emelianenko and Brock Lesnar’s comeback win over Shane Carwin — have resulted in a changing of the guard in the heavyweight division as well.

Lesnar is undeniably the sport’s No. 1 heavyweight, but how does the rest of the top 10 shake out? Find out below.

Armchair Matchmaker: UFC 116 Edition

(Chris Leben wades through punches at UFC 116 like a drunk man on steroids. Oh. Sorry, dude. Bad choice of words. / Photo courtesy of
Brock Lesnar already has a date with Cain Velasquez — potentially at UFC 119 in September &m…

Chris Leben UFC 116 punch face mma photos
(Chris Leben wades through punches at UFC 116 like a drunk man on steroids. Oh. Sorry, dude. Bad choice of words. / Photo courtesy of

Brock Lesnar already has a date with Cain Velasquez — potentially at UFC 119 in September — but the fates of all the other winners and losers from Saturday night are still up in the air. So let’s run down a few of the notables and try to determine who they should take on next. You’re really gonna have to start paying us, Joe.

Shane Carwin: Word on the street is that the winner of Junior Dos Santos vs. Roy Nelson at UFC 117 will receive the next heavyweight title shot after Velasquez, which means the loser could be a good opponent for Carwin’s return fight. Cigano and Big Country are both skilled enough to drag Carwin into round 2, where he’ll either crumble again, or prove to everyone that cardio is not his achilles heel.

Chris Leben: He called out Wanderlei Silva following his unbelievable submission victory over Yoshihiro Akiyama, and the Axe Murderer is down with it. Seems like a no-brainer to us. Who wouldn’t want to see two of the UFC’s most beloved brawlers beat the stuffing out of each other? Dana White says he wants to have Leben fight again soon rather than have him sit out the rest of the year while Silva’s knee heals up. But after two fights in two weeks (and $100,000 in bonus money), we think Leben could use a nice vacation.

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Lesnar vs. Carwin Delivers as Both Men Gamble in Pursuit of Gold

Filed under: UFCLAS VEGAS — Shane Carwin was so close. Maybe all he needed was one more punch, a few more seconds, or a different referee. Any one of the three might have resulted in a new champion being crowned.

He rocked Brock Lesnar, he put him o…

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LAS VEGAS — Shane Carwin was so close. Maybe all he needed was one more punch, a few more seconds, or a different referee. Any one of the three might have resulted in a new champion being crowned.

He rocked Brock Lesnar, he put him on his back, he rained down strikes. They came in a wave, one after the other, 47 in all in a hellacious first-round beating that had ref Josh Rosenthal intently watching the action for a possible stoppage. We were all waiting for it, after all, that’s what Carwin does. He finishes, and he finishes quick. For Lesnar, it must have felt like a barrage. For Carwin, it must have felt like an eternity. He had the champion on the ropes, and he went for it.

It was not to be. In a match fitting of the championship belt contested, Carwin and Lesnar put on a classic display of grit, guts and determination at UFC 116 that stamped Lesnar as the sport’s best heavyweight. But Carwin should return home with no regrets about a performance that would have finished every heavyweight in the world except for one.

Report: Shane Carwin Says He Felt Brock Lesnar “Go Out”

Earlier today we went on and on about how entertaining last night’s UFC 116 main event tilt between Shane Carwin and Brock Lesnar was, a fight that saw the heavyweight champ come back from taking a brutal beat down in the first, only to sub Carwin in the second. Whether you’re a fan of Lesnar […]


Earlier today we went on and on about how entertaining last night’s UFC 116 main event tilt between Shane Carwin and Brock Lesnar was, a fight that saw the heavyweight champ come back from taking a brutal beat down in the first, only to sub Carwin in the second. Whether you’re a fan of Lesnar or not (and let’s face it- the guy doesn’t really kill himself trying to be charming or loveable…) you have to give him props for weathering that hellish fist storm.

Well the debate regarding whether or not Josh Rosenthal should have stopped the fight, when Carwin was pounding away on Lesnar, is in full swing. As we passed along earlier, after last night’s fight Lesnar thanked Rosenthal for not jumping in, stating he “wasn’t hurt” and that he could feel Carwin’s punches becoming “less and less.” In a follow up report from MMA Junkie, however, it’s pretty clear that Carwin’s view on how Lesnar was doing in round one is; well, not exactly identical….

“I felt Brock go out a few times,” he today told via text message. “But it is the ref’s job to call the fight, and mine is to finish the fight.”

Huh. Interesting. The report also included stats from which reflect that Carwin apparently landed 57 punches in the opening round- that couldn’t have been much fun for Brock. As far as UFC boss man Dana White’s take on the officiating, he was quoted saying that Rosenthal “did a fantastic job.”

Victorious Brock Lesnar Thanks Ref For Not Stopping Fight in Round One

If your evening last night didn’t consist of watching UFC 116 somewhere, somehow, but not necessarily with someone, then you effed up big time. Yes, we say things like this a lot, but in this case…dude…the card was gold. It’s not always certain that a highly anticipated championship fight lives up to the hype, but […]


If your evening last night didn’t consist of watching UFC 116 somewhere, somehow, but not necessarily with someone, then you effed up big time. Yes, we say things like this a lot, but in this case…dude…the card was gold. It’s not always certain that a highly anticipated championship fight lives up to the hype, but as we all hoped, Brock Lesnar and Shane Carwin both delivered. Now if you still haven’t seen the fight run along and rectify….

Of course, the reason last night’s main event tilt can now be labelled with the ‘where were you when’ tag, is because Lesnar came back from quite the ass whooping in round one, to tap out Carwin with a second round arm-triangle-choke (if you predicted that finish then you are a god amongst men). While Lesnar’s comeback was nothing short of spectacular, it’s likely some people were miffed that the fight wasn’t stopped in round one, when Carwin was throwing down punch after punch. Speaking after the fight, Lesnar had this to say about referee Josh Rosenthal’s decision, not to intervene (thanks to MMA Junkie for the quote).

“I really have to thank the referee for allowing that thing go on,” Lesnar said. “I wasn’t hurt. I thought if I just kept moving – I could feel Shane’s punches slowly becoming less and less. I thought, ‘If I get out of here, then I’m going to exert a bunch of energy.’…”I realized there was a short time left, and I just tried to stay busy.”

It may not have looked pretty, but really, Lesnar did appear to be okay. Time to move on right Cain?