Sliding Doors: 5 Fight Outcomes That Would Have Changed the UFC Forever

Ever wonder what life might be like if a defining moment had turned out differently? If some memorable thing had been spun entirely in the opposite direction?
Surely you have. There have been plenty of movies made about such occurrences and altern…

Ever wonder what life might be like if a defining moment had turned out differently? If some memorable thing had been spun entirely in the opposite direction?

Surely you have. There have been plenty of movies made about such occurrences and alternate timelines and what have you, and they always seem to catch people’s attention because it is generally a fun little thought exercise to consider alternative outcomes.

And where could one have more fun with said exercise than in the world of MMA, where outrageous happenings are the norm and things that would rock other sports to the core are more or less just another day on MMA Twitter for most.

What follows is a look at five UFC fights that would have changed the course of the promotion if the man who walked out victorious had lost. It’s counterfactual history, nothing more than a bit of fun, but it’s the exact type of exercise that can make one wonder: What would the UFC today look like if icons became afterthoughts, if legends became losers?

Take a look, give it some thought and even add your own in the comments section if you have them. After all, that’s what this whole thing is about.

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