Fight Night 45: Cerrone vs. Miller — Liveblogging the Fights You Actually Care About

(Looks like McConaughey is still struggling to put that Dallas Buyers Club weight back on. Photo via Getty.)

‘Sup, Nation. Danga here. I’ll be handling liveblogging duties for tonight’s Fight Night 45: Cerrone vs. Miller card, and this is in no way influenced by the fact that I’ve been missing work the past couple of days due to a horrendous mix of consumption, rickets, and spina bifida (I have the same doctor as Tito Ortiz). Anyways, some of the fights on tonight’s card look entertaining enough. Some do not. I will be liveblogging the former. I’m not sure how many yet, but I’ll be sure to fill the dead air with whimsical musings and shower thought-worthy topics of discussion.

In the evening’s main event, veteran badasses Donald Cerrone and Jim Miller will likely engage in a Fight of the Night-earning effort. It will be described as both “sick” and “epic” by the experts on Twitter. Who you like in this fight may very well boil down to your stance on micro vs. mainstream beer — We all know Cerrone is a Budweiser fan, whereas Miller is not some shwill-sipping charlatan who lacks taste buds and therefore prefers his own brand of microbrew. Guess who I’m rooting for. Join me, maybe?

(Looks like McConaughey is still struggling to put that Dallas Buyers Club weight back on. Photo via Getty.)

‘Sup, Nation. Danga here. I’ll be handling liveblogging duties for tonight’s Fight Night 45: Cerrone vs. Miller card, and this is in no way influenced by the fact that I’ve been missing work the past couple of days due to a horrendous mix of consumption, rickets, and spina bifida (I have the same doctor as Tito Ortiz). Anyways, some of the fights on tonight’s card look entertaining enough. Some do not. I will be liveblogging the former. I’m not sure how many yet, but I’ll be sure to fill the dead air with whimsical musings and shower thought-worthy topics of discussion.

In the evening’s main event, veteran badasses Donald Cerrone and Jim Miller will likely engage in a Fight of the Night-earning effort. It will be described as both “sick” and “epic” by the experts on Twitter. Who you like in this fight may very well boil down to your stance on micro vs. mainstream beer — We all know Cerrone is a Budweiser fan, whereas Miller is not some shwill-sipping charlatan who lacks taste buds and therefore prefers his own brand of microbrew. Guess who I’m rooting for. Join me, maybe?

I should be honest with you Taters; I haven’t been absent for most of this week due to a combination of consumption, rickets, and spina bifida. I have, however, been locked in a three day battle of wills with Microsoft tech support that tested my will to live and resulted in no less than three racially-driven rants aimed at Indians.

I’m not racist, it’s just that I get frustrated when my source of income suddenly stops working and the person trying to explain to me what’s wrong with it speaks at 148 words/second through a headpiece that sounds more like a potato than a device used for human communication. I guess it’s more of a language barrier thing than a race thing. Glad I could clear that up for you.

I’m not going to play-by-play it, but Lucas Martins is about to knock the shit out of Alex White. It’s inevitable.

I was mistaken. Martins is fading fast.

Nevermind, I was right. Martins just blistered White with a right hand. White looked like he was trying to answer an imaginary phone call on the way down.

Back to my story, the worst part of which is that it wasn’t even a crucial part of my computer that started malfunctioning. Three days ago, my Microsoft Office suite shit the bed. All my documents, invoices, rough drafts of love letters I wrote in blood to Ellie Kemper, etc. gone. After several attempts to reinstall it, I call up Microsoft to see what the f*ck the deal is. They tell me that they’re going to need remote access to my computer to fix it, which is a concept that freaks me right the f*ck out, but whatever, I hand it over.

Actually, that’s not true. First they told me that the warranty on my Office suite had expired, because of course it had, and I could either pay $99 to fix the problem and receive a whole month’s coverage, or pay $150 to fix it and receive a year’s coverage. What a deal, Microsoft, you covetous whores! I bend over a barrel and pay the $150.

I guess John Lineker actually made weight for his fight with Alptekin Ozkilic, so what the hell, I’ll liveblog this one.

John Lineker vs. Alptekin Ozkilic 

Round 1: Lineker with a nice right to the body to start things off. Lineker with a right upstairs that sends Alpy (I’m calling him Alpy for short) back on his heels. Alpy with a shot and he gets Lineker’s back with one hook in. Alpy on top now in side control, then half guard. Alpy with an inside leg kick. They’re giving Alpy’s coach his own camera, as if we can’t already hear him in this empty arena. Nice right hand by Alpy, and Linker is coming up short. Nice leg kick by Alpy. After a wild exchange, Lineker shoots and gets Alpy down for a second. Good round, but I’d probably give it to the Turkish Delight.

Round 2: Nice left hook by Alpy. Lineker is swinging wild, and lands a nice uppercut. Left hook Alpy. Pair of jabs for Lineker. Alpy’s left jhook is finding its mark all day. Starting to hate that I’m calling him Alpy, but there’s no turning back now. Like I’m going to type Ozkilic a million times in a row. Nice combo, then a leg kick from Lineker. Pair of body shots from Lineker that dig in deep. God damn does Lineker throw hard. Lineker is just ripping the torso of Alpy, who isn’t fazed in the slightest. Again with the coach cam. Right hand Lineker, then another overtop. Lineker ends with a takedown and a flurry and easily takes the round.

Round 3: Lineker firing away at the body to start. God damn this is a brawl, both men are just throwing everything. Alpy is hurt! Linker is all over him. Lineker stuffs a takedown and lands a counter left. Lineker is putting his jab right where it needs to be, not giving Alpy a second to breathe. Sickening smack signals another body shot for Lineker. Alpy is going to be pissing blood tomorrow morning, but he is one tough SOB. Body shot, body shot, and go figure, body shot by Lineker. Left hook Lineker. Alpy answers. Brutal body shot by Lineker, and these two continue to trade combos. Uppercut Lineker. Lineker with a left hook that sends Alpy crashing to the mat! It’s all over!

God damn, what a fight and what a finish. Glad I chose to liveblog it.

John Lineker def. Alptekin Özkiliç via TKO (punches), round 3, 4:51

My Microsoft Office story, pt. 3ish: They started working on my computer around 10 a.m. on Monday. Or maybe it was 9 a.m. I’ve been in the depths of an ether binge since they began, so the time has gotten away from me. Anyways, I figured it’ll take them 20 minutes, 40 minutes tops to fix an error that was likely caused by my own stupidity. For a guy who writes on the internet for a living, I am about as up-to-date on current technology as 1930’s photographer. I just upgraded to a smart phone last week for Christ’s sake.

Two hours later, no progress has been made. The same error message is popping up every time the tech support lady tries to reinstall Office, and eventually she tells me that my case is being “elevated.” Surely, she had found the extensive archives of amputee pornography stashed in my special downloads folder (I call it my “secure files area”) and was informing the FBI. I spend the night awaiting the red and blue sirens of a cruel and crooked justice system.

The next day, I schedule a callback for 4:30 p.m. I figure I can get most of my work done before then. But go figure, it’s a shit day for news and by the time 4:30 comes rolling around, I’ve done one article for CP, one for our partner site, Holy Taco, and one for Screenjunkies. I wanted to write a tribute to Angels in the Outfield, which turned 20 yesterday, but the time has come for today’s repairs and I am helpless to this buttfuckery.

I will not be liveblogging Salas vs. Proctor, if you haven’t guessed. It’s a pretty good scrap so far, though.

So I get a phone call from Microsoft Office, and it’s the same lady. Poonam, I believe her name is. I find this interesting, because her inability to fix my computer the day before and decision to elevate my status should have placed me in line for a more qualified software repair person, I figure. A man, more specifically.

Joe Proctor’s face appears to have lodged a golf ball into the side of his head between rounds, BTW. Is his coach Al Czervik? I do not know.

My thrilling recollection of the battle with Microsoft Office shall continue after Rick Story vs. Guy Without Wiki page.

Rick Story vs. Leonardo Mafra

Round 1: Story starts with a left. Four punch combo for Mafra and Story responds with a takedown. Sharp elbows from Story in the guard. Mafra’s open guard places a real emphasis on the “open” part. He gets to his feet and throws a knee from the clinch, only to immediately be taken back down by Story. This is going to be one of those fights where one guy (Mafra) will need to uncork a miracle combo in the brief moments he’ll be on his feet to win. Story pecking away from the top. Mafra gets to his feet with 30 seconds left, aaaaaaand he’s down.

Round 2: Nice left hook-body shot combo from Mafra, then a body kick. Story shoots on a deep single and gets it, but only temporarily. Story with a slam now and that’ll probably be it for Mafra this round. Story working a kimura, then gets the mount. Remember when Demian Maia squeezed himself a fresh glass of Horror Story Brain Juice? New band name, called i-Arm triangle Story! It’s dunzo.

Rick Story def. this Mafra character by arm-triangle, 2:12 of Round 2. 

Meanwhile, at the Legion of Doom (Microsoft Offices),

So Poonam tells me that she needs to install some updates and that it’s going to take 3 hours at the minimum to do so. Fuck. Me.

I go for a run, get a haircut, start a grocery store soccer mom riot by announcing that Tom Brady has been spotted in the natural foods aisle (I live in Boston), and head home. It has been 2 hours and 15 minutes.

For the next four hours, I watch in horror as Poonam continues to fail in her fastidious trials to end my minute suffering. My computer reboots and shuts off, reboots and shuts off — a bigmouth bass gasping for air in the depleted cesspool that has become my existence. What can I do?-SHIT THE NEXT FIGHT’S STARTING ALREADY.

Evan Dunham vs. Edson Barboza

Round 1: They trade rights to start. Leg kick Barboza, and my leg just twitched. My leg. Left hand Dunham, who eats a counter left in return. Evan shoots but gets soundly denied. Dunham’s putting a ton into his shots. Brutal body kick crumples Dunham! A few follow up punches and that is it!

Replay shows that Edson was able to crush Dunham with his toe. His f*cking toe. I was going to say that the kick was very Rockhold vs. Philippou-esque, but I think I just witnessed the first TKO via scratchy toenails in UFC history.

Barboza def. Dunham via TKO, 3:06, round 1

It’s close to 10:30 by the time the updates finish. Poonam has long since left. I am a literal steam engine of fury. I shut down my computer and walk away, refusing to look back at it. As if the computer is somehow responsible for my woes. As if my EXTENSIVE ARCHIVES OF AMPUTEE PORNOGRAPHY aren’t probably the root cause of whatever virus/glitch is preventing Poonam from completing what should be a pedestrain installation of Microsoft f*cking Office.

They’re replaying the Smith vs. Duke fight from the prelims. Spoiler: Duke’s underwater-speed punches do not lead her to victory. I kid, Duke seems like a nice lady.

We set a callback time for 2 p.m the next day. This day. This is the third straight day of work required to fix my computer, if anyone’s counting. Now Poonam tells me she’s uninstalling, then reinstalling my entire Windows system. All this, for Microsoft Word and Excel.

It takes another four and a half hours for this process to finish. I have cleaned my entire apartment and beaten Halo 3 in that time. Poonam logs back in and attempts one. final. installation of the Office. The bar gets to its usual place (around 60%) and stops dead. It doesn’t move, but it hasn’t shown the error message yet either.

“It’s going to fail, Jared” I think to myself. “You know it’s going to fail. Error 1402. Something something contact Microsoft support. Go. F*ck. Yourself.”

But like that moment in Rescue Dawn when Christian Bale’s character first notices the rescue chopper and collapses to his knees in joy, the bar shoots all the way to 100%. I legitimately start crying, then punch myself in the leg and huff some duster, cause we all know cryin’s for pussies.

Main event time!

Donald Cerrone vs. Jim Miller

Donald Cerrone drinks Bud heavys and listens to Kid Rock. Jim Miller brews his own beer and listens to CCR. The better man is obvious here.

Round 1: Knee to the body by Cerrone. Left hook by Miller, then a body shot. Man, has MMA learned that body shots are awesome all of a sudden? Because that would be great. Miller with some more hard shots, and Cerrone looks a little stunned. Then again, he’s a notoriously slow starter. Miller with a left hand and gets it to the mat. Cerrone back to his feet. Right hand Cerrone. Miller responds and another big knee by Cowboy. Miller pushes Cerrone to the fence and throws some knees to Cerrone’s inner thigh. The takedown is immediately reversed by Cerrone. Miller has a small cut under his right eye. Now Cerrone’s looking for the takedown but can’t get it. Miller catches Cerrone coming in with a right. They slug it out till the bell.

Round 2: Straight left by Miller. Leg kick on the end of a combo for Miller, and Cerrone nails him right in the dick. Wait, what the fuck is Dan Miragliotta doing? He stops the fight then says it wasn’t a shot to the groin and continues it. What the shit was that? Cerrone searching for body kicks now, in any case. Miller’s still hurting from that body shot, but is swinging for the fences when Cerrone comes in for the kill. Takedown no good for Miller. Head kick Cerrone. Miller with an overhand left. Head kick Cerrone drops Miller! He’s down and out! Holy shit!

Donald Say-ro-neh just earned himself yet another performance bonus. As should everyone on this card, pretty much. Seriously, there were 9 finishes tonight, and six out of six on the main card. And on the one night I decide to liveblog.

Donald Cerrone def. Jim Miller via KO (head kick), 3:31 of Round 2

Am I saying that my battle with Microsoft tech support set into motion a chain of events that ended in the most exciting UFC card in some time? Yes, I am saying that.

You can doubt my ability to will an awesome night of fights into existence all you want, but right now, Microsoft Word is running on my computer. And I’m just staring at a blank page, soaking in its beautiful, mundane glory. All you haters can go flip.

To those of you who joined me for this trip into the mind of madness/occasional liveblog, I thank you. Goodnight, Tater Nation.

UFC on FOX 11 Fight Video Highlights: Werdum vs. Browne, Cerrone vs. Barboza + More

(Fabricio Werdum vs. Travis Browne highlights. All vids via

(Donald Cerrone vs. Edson Barboza highlights)

In case you missed it on Saturday night, here are some video highlights from the UFC on FOX 11 main card, featuring Fabricio Werdum’s unexpected standup-thrashing of Travis Browne, and Donald Cerrone’s comeback submission victory over Edson Barboza. A couple of important notes…

– Cerrone picked up a $50,000 Performance of the Night bonus for his win over Barboza; Cowboy has now bonus’d in three consecutive fights. All the other UFC on FOX 11 bonuses went to prelim fighters. Thiago Alves and Seth Baczynski won Fight of the Night for their three-rounder which Alves won by unanimous decision, and Performance of the Night #2 went to UFC newcomer Alex White — who was previously involved in the ugliest late-stoppage in MMA history — for his first-round TKO of Estevan Payan.

– At the post-event press conference, Dana White mentioned that Travis Browne suffered a broken hand and possibly broken rib during his fight against Werdum, and Browne’s wrestling coach Ricky Lundell released an x-ray of Hapa’s broken hand after the fight. For some reason, the official UFC on FOX 11 medical suspensions list mentions a broken nose for Browne but not a broken hand. Whatever. The point is, he got pretty messed up.

After the jump: Highlights from Miesha Tate vs. Liz Carmouche and Yoel Romero vs. Brad Tavares. Plus, Dana White (mostly) praises Werdum’s performance in the main event while burying Browne for gassing out early, and Shaquille O’Neal eats a napkin for some reason.

(Fabricio Werdum vs. Travis Browne highlights. All vids via

(Donald Cerrone vs. Edson Barboza highlights)

In case you missed it on Saturday night, here are some video highlights from the UFC on FOX 11 main card, featuring Fabricio Werdum’s unexpected standup-thrashing of Travis Browne, and Donald Cerrone’s comeback submission victory over Edson Barboza. A couple of important notes…

– Cerrone picked up a $50,000 Performance of the Night bonus for his win over Barboza; Cowboy has now bonus’d in three consecutive fights. All the other UFC on FOX 11 bonuses went to prelim fighters. Thiago Alves and Seth Baczynski won Fight of the Night for their three-rounder which Alves won by unanimous decision, and Performance of the Night #2 went to UFC newcomer Alex White — who was previously involved in the ugliest late-stoppage in MMA history — for his first-round TKO of Estevan Payan.

– At the post-event press conference, Dana White mentioned that Travis Browne suffered a broken hand and possibly broken rib during his fight against Werdum, and Browne’s wrestling coach Ricky Lundell released an x-ray of Hapa’s broken hand after the fight. For some reason, the official UFC on FOX 11 medical suspensions list mentions a broken nose for Browne but not a broken hand. Whatever. The point is, he got pretty messed up.

After the jump: Highlights from Miesha Tate vs. Liz Carmouche and Yoel Romero vs. Brad Tavares. Plus, Dana White (mostly) praises Werdum’s performance in the main event while burying Browne for gassing out early, and Shaquille O’Neal eats a napkin for some reason.

UFC on FOX 11: Werdum Batters Browne, Will Meet Velasquez in Mexico

(Fabricio Werdum: Nice guy before the fight, total son-of-a-bitch during the fight. / Photo by Esther Lin for MMAFighting)

UFC on FOX 11 is underway at the Amway Center in Orlando, headlined by a heavyweight bout between crafty Brazilian veteran Fabricio Werdum and bearded knockout machine Travis Browne. (Winner gets a free trip to Mexico!) Plus: Donald Cerrone vs. Edson Barboza in a guaranteed barnburner at lightweight, and a compelling middeweight matchup between the streaking Brad Tavares and cannonball-like Cuban wrestler Yoel Romero. It’s stacked, free, and arranged for maximum entertainment value.*

After a long hiatus, liveblogger-supreme Anthony Gannon has returned to handle round-by-round results for the FOX main card of “Werdum vs. Browne,” which you can find after the jump beginning at 8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PT. Refresh the page every few minutes for all the latest updates, and shoot us your thoughts in the comments section or on twitter @cagepotatomma.

* Except for the Miesha Tate vs. Liz Carmouche fight, which could be decent, I guess, but I still don’t see how it made the main card lineup over Khabib Nurmagomedov vs. Rafael Dos Anjos. I mean, come on. Seriously? The ladies have a collective UFC record of 1-4. Meanwhile, Dos Anjos has won five straight, and Nurmy is 21-0 overall, not including unsanctioned youth fights against half-sedated bear cubs.

(Fabricio Werdum: Nice guy before the fight, total son-of-a-bitch during the fight. / Photo by Esther Lin for MMAFighting)

UFC on FOX 11 is underway at the Amway Center in Orlando, headlined by a heavyweight bout between crafty Brazilian veteran Fabricio Werdum and bearded knockout machine Travis Browne. (Winner gets a free trip to Mexico!) Plus: Donald Cerrone vs. Edson Barboza in a guaranteed barnburner at lightweight, and a compelling middeweight matchup between the streaking Brad Tavares and cannonball-like Cuban wrestler Yoel Romero. It’s stacked, free, and arranged for maximum entertainment value.*

Matt Saccaro has returned to handle round-by-round results for the FOX main card of “Werdum vs. Browne,” which you can find after the jump beginning at 8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PT. Refresh the page every few minutes for all the latest updates, and shoot us your thoughts in the comments section or on twitter @cagepotatomma.

* Except for the Miesha Tate vs. Liz Carmouche fight, which could be decent, I guess, but I still don’t see how it made the main card lineup over Khabib Nurmagomedov vs. Rafael Dos Anjos. I mean, come on. Seriously? The ladies have a collective UFC record of 1-4. Meanwhile, Dos Anjos has won five straight, and Nurmy is 21-0 overall, not including unsanctioned youth fights against half-sedated bear cubs.

UFC on FOX 11 Preliminary Card Results:
– Khabib Nurmagomedov def. Rafael dos Anjos via unanimous decision (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)
– Thiago Alves def. Seth Baczynski via unanimous decision (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)
– Jorge Masvidal def. Pat Healy via unanimous decision (30-27, 30-27, 29-28)
– Alex White def. Estevan Payan via TKO (punches)
– Caio Magalhaes def. Luke Zachrich via TKO (punches), 0:44 of round 1
– Jordan Mein def, Hernani Perpetuo via split decision (29-28, 28-29, 29-28)
– Dustin Ortiz def. Ray Borg via split decision (29-28, 28-29, 29-28)
– Mirsad Bektic def. Chas Skelly via majority decision (29-27, 29-27, 28-28)
– Derrick Lewis def. Jack May via TKO (punches), 4:24 of round 1

Brad Tavares vs. Yoel Romero

Round 1: Tavares opens with a 1-2. The right hand connected. He misses two round kicks. Tavares attempts a hook and Romero ducks under. Both throw round kicks and collide legs. Romero feints a shot and misses a right hand. Romero throws the most inaccurate flying knee but follows it up with a huge flurry of punches which stun Tavares. Romero takes him down off the striking success. Tavares manages to get back to his feet though, but both guys are clinched. From the clinch, Romero hits a gorgeous throw and lands on top of Tavares in side control. Taveres gets up after a minute but Romero gets his back, and rides it for several minutes, all the while peppering Tavares’ thighs with knees. The two separate with a minute to go, and Taveres lands a good knee. Romero gets a late takedown. Tavares attempts a reversal and Romero tried to counter with a kimura, which amounted to nothing.

Round 2: Romero lands a takedown as soon as the round starts. Taveres powers out of the bottom in side control though. When the two return to their feet, Tavares lands a head kick and a right hand. Romero might be gassed here. Romero landed an elbow that opened a massive cut on Tavares’ temple. He’s pouring blood now. Thankfully, it’s on the side of his head and isn’t obscuring his vision. More inactivity. Romero throws another embarrassing flying knee. He clinches and goes for a double leg while he has Tavares against the cage. Tavares blocks the takedown and then attempts one of his own, which fails. They’re back on their feet, Romero tries a single leg but abandons it. They reset. Tavares rushes in and eats a right hand. They clinch again. 30 seconds to go in the round and lots of stalling against the cage. And the round is over.

Round 3: Tavares throws a right. Romero blocks it. Romero has some pretty severe butt sweat going on (or he crapped himself again). The two clinch briefly but separate and reset after less than a minute. The pace has slowed significantly. A few spurts of ineffective striking litter the rest of the round; not a whole lot to report. With 20 seconds left, Romero hits a beautiful throw. He’ll likely get the decision win.

Yoel Romero def. Brad Tavares via unanimous decision (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)

Donald Cerrone vs. Edson Barboza

Round 1:

Barboza lands a right hand and a hurt Cerrone attempts a takedown. Barboza manages to separate and throws a massive left hook that missed. Barboza throws another huge right hand and misses by a hair. Cerrone throws a jab and eats a counter right. Barboza lands a leg kick. Barboza lands a good combo, ending with a left hook. He tries another leg kick but misses. Cerrone counters with his own, and then another. Barboza hits Cerrone with some big punches–a right hand, a hook, and then barely misses the uppercut. He throws a spinning back kick to Cerrone’s body but it doesn’t connect. Cerrone tries a head kick but it gets blocked. Barboza hits a stuff hook to the body and a leg kick. Cerrone hits Barboza with a jab that floors him. He takes his back and sinks in a rear naked choke, getting the tap. The fight was over that quick. Kind of a bummer.

Donald Cerrone def. Edson Barboza via submission (rear naked choke), 3:16 of round 1.

Miesha Tate vs. Liz Carmouche

Round 1:

Carmouche misses a leg kick. Tate paws a jab. Carmouche lands a leg kick, and then a front kick. Tate counters another leg kick with an overhand right. Tate inches forwards with a knee and Carmouche clinches. She gets Tate’s legs and pulls her to the mat. Tate looks frustrated as Carmouche just sits on her legs, preventing her from wall-walking. Tate half-asses a guillotine but nothing comes of it. Not a whole lot of action here. Tate gets to her feet but Carmouche takes the back while standing. She lands a few knees to the thighs. Carmouche lands another double-leg and now they’re back in the exact same position as they were earlier. They return to their feet sooner now, but Carmouche stays on her back. This isn’t terribly exciting. Tate tries escaping with elbows to the forearm, then tries a kimura but gets thrown on her ass. A poor first round for her.

Round 2:

Tate hits a right hand, Carmouche lands a counter hook. Carmouche grabs a body lock on Tate and presses her against the fence. The rest of the round will probably stay here…and they do for the next few minutes. This round is looking like a clone of the first. Carmouche controlling Tate with wrestling, tying her legs up while she tries to wall walk. Some action emerges when Carmouche gets a little lazy and doesn’t guard her neck. Tate went for a guillotine. Rogan screamed “IT’S TIGHT” but Carmouche escaped and they literally reset to the position they were in for most of the round. Not terribly entertaining and not a good fight for Fox.

Round 3:

Tate comes out way more aggressive, landing several punches and scoring a takedown. She’s in side control, but Carmouche gets back to half guard without much of an issue. Tate gets Carmouche’s back as she attempts to escape. A rear naked choke attempt meets with failure. She tries a neck crank which also comes up short. Tate is landing some light ground and pound now. She starts to pour on ground and pound, Carmouche tries to stand but Tate flattens her out. Looks like she’s got the choke sunk in DEEP now, but by some miracle of toughness, Carmouche escapes. Fucking incredible. Tate goes for an arm, but abandons it and instead goes to side control. She gets up to her feet to land some ground and pound and the fight ends. Tate was given a decision win.

Miesha Tate def. Liz Carmouche via unanimous decision (29-28, 29-28, 29-28)

Travis Browne vs. Fabricio Werdum

Round 1:

Werdum lands a hook while Browne lands a leg kick. Browne throws a really big leg kick but misses bad. Browne grabs Werdum in a Muay Thai clinch and lands some nasty knees to the body. Browne nails Werdum with an overhand right that hurt him. Browne floors him with a right hand and is now landing loads of ground and pound. Werdum regains composure and sweeps Browne. He’s on top of him in half guard now. He briefly passes but Browne just shrugs him off and rises to his feet. The striking has slowed down a bit now, but it’s still plenty powerful. Each guy is just throwing one shot. Werdum lands a nice body kick. He rushes forwards and hits a hook to the body. Then he hits a 1-2 and atwo leg kicks. Browne grabs the second one but doesn’t capitalize on it. Browne hits a crazy back hook kick to the face but Werdum stays tall and lands some counter punches. They reset and Werdum hits a big upper cut that snaps Browne’s head back, then hits a spinning back kick to teh body. Werdum comes forwards and lands some a left, a right, and another left that has Browne stunned as the round ends.

Round 2:

Werdum throws a body kick but it hits the nuts, Browne elects to continue without the 5 minute recovery period. Werdum appears to be the fresher fighter. He’s landing leg kicks and body kicks. Then he lands an uppercut. He lands a takedown on Browne and is on his back but only has one hook in. Browne escape but is now on bottom in half guard. Werdum is putting loads of shoulder pressure on Browne as he attempts to pass, which he does. Browne has no answer for Werdum’s side control right now. Werdum is landing some light ground and pound. He’s targeting Browne’s arm now, he went for the Kimura but Browne escaped to his feet. Browne is exhausted, as indicated by some really lazy strikes; he’s super-wobbly and breathing heavy. Werdum nails a stiff jab with about 30 seconds left. Browne lands a hook, then a cross. Werdum misses a back kick but then clinches and hitsa knee to the body as the round ends.

Round 3:

Browne breathing very heavy. Werdum unleashes a nice combo on Browne that hurt him. Browne tries to rush forward but misses horribly. Werdum works his jab; he has much more energy in his strikes. Browne misses big with a right hand. Werdum lands a spinning back fist and then rushes forwards with some wild punches. He lands a 1-2 which Browne has no answer for. Werdum butt-scoots but then does a crazy jump thing back to his feet. This is too awesome. After that stunt he hits Browne with a round kick to the body and a flurry of punches. Browne rushes forwards after that, throwing wildly but connecting. Werdum Thai clinches but separates, and now starts landing loads of body punches followed up by a knee to the head. Werdum is pulling away by miles. He hits another knee. Werdum scores with another spinning back fist. Browne has absolutely nothing left in the tank at this point. Werdum hits another knee to the head and a left hand. He lands another kick to the body. This fight is very one-sided at this point. With ten seconds left Werdum lands an UNREAL combo–leg kick, hook to the head, and head kick all in a split second. Holy crap.

Round 4:

A double jab from Werdum snaps Browne’s head back. He’s pouring on leg kicks now too. Browne throws a labored jab that misses by a mile. Werdum counters with his own that land. After a lull that lasted a few minutes, Werdum comes forward with a double jab and a left hook that all find homes on Browne’s head. Browne lands a right hand and a kick to the balls. There’s a brief pause in the action. Werdum tries for a single leg but Browne pulls out of it. Werdum landed some follow-up punches off the failed single leg. A 1-2 from Werdum lands cleanly on Browne’s face. Browne keeps spamming right hands and head kicks which all don’t even come close to landing. The round ends without much else happening.

Round 5:

Werdum takes Browne down but he springs back to his feet immediately. Browne throws two front kicks. Werdum lands a millionth right hand; his striking is just so much more accurate and energetic. Werdum attempts another takedown but Browne manages to stuff this one. The fight is slowing down, but Werdum is landing intermittent jabs and crosses without much resistance from Browne. He lands a great body kick too. A double-jab, right hand combo lands huge for Werdum. Wow. Less than a minute now, and Browne has nothing while Werdum is zipping around like it’s still round 1. Incredible performance from Werdum, but Browne goes ape-shit with the last ten seconds and lands some nice strikes–an uppercut, a knee, and some others. Still, it’s too little, too late.

Fabricio Werdum def. Travis Browne via unanimous decision (50-45, 49-46, 50-45)

That’s the event, Potato Nation. It was fun! Carmouche-Tate wasn’t terribly exciting for the first two rounds, but overall the event was definitely solid.

Barnburner Alert: Donald Cerrone vs. Edson Barboza Added to UFC on FOX 11

(Bitches be like “#nomakeup #nofilter” / Photo via @cowboycerrone)

Fresh off his latest Knockout of the Night performance against Adriano Martins at UFC on FOX 10, Donald Cerrone will be back on network television two months from now when he faces Edson Barboza at UFC on FOX 11: Browne vs. Werdum (April 19th, Orlando). The lightweight bout was confirmed by FOX Sports yesterday.

Known for his savage kicks — of both the leg and wheel varieties — Barboza went on a 3-0 run in 2013, culminating with a comeback decision win against Danny Castillo at UFC on FOX 9, which won him Fight of the Night honors. Cerrone and Barboza are unquestionably two of the most entertaining fighters in the lightweight division, but aren’t currently “in the mix” when it comes to title shot consideration. An impressive win for either fighter could change that. Your predictions, please.

In a related story, Khabib Nurmagomedov has tweeted out a frowny face.

(Bitches be like “#nomakeup #nofilter” / Photo via @cowboycerrone)

Fresh off his latest Knockout of the Night performance against Adriano Martins at UFC on FOX 10, Donald Cerrone will be back on network television two months from now when he faces Edson Barboza at UFC on FOX 11: Browne vs. Werdum (April 19th, Orlando). The lightweight bout was confirmed by FOX Sports yesterday.

Known for his savage kicks — of both the leg and wheel varieties — Barboza went on a 3-0 run in 2013, culminating with a comeback decision win against Danny Castillo at UFC on FOX 9, which won him Fight of the Night honors. Cerrone and Barboza are unquestionably two of the most entertaining fighters in the lightweight division, but aren’t currently “in the mix” when it comes to title shot consideration. An impressive win for either fighter could change that. Your predictions, please.

In a related story, Khabib Nurmagomedov has tweeted out a frowny face.

Watch: Highlights from UFC on FOX 9?s Fight of the Night—Edson Barboza vs. Danny Castillo [VIDEO]

(Video via MSN)

Edson Barboza vs. Danny Castillo was the best fight in a pretty decent night of fights overall. What made it so special? Well, with the above highlights, you’ll be able to see for yourself.

First of all, it was a fantastic mixed martial arts contest. MMA fights turn into C-level kickboxing or 15-minute bouts of clinching too often these days. Barboza-Castillo reminded us what the sport is capable of in terms of excitement. There were near KOs, there were takedowns, there wear submission attempts. Their match represented the full range of fighting.

Second, the fight represented a comeback—not a Tim Boetsch vs. Yushin Okami level comeback—but a comeback nonetheless. Castillo brutalized Barboza in the first round; it appeared the Brazilian striking phenom was out of his depth. Barboza manged to reverse fortunes in the second round with leg kicks; his shins were meat tenderizers.

The third round was close, but it was ultimately Barboza that got the nod from the judges, winning via majority decision.

For their efforts, both men took home an extra $50,000 as part of the “Fight of the Night” bonus.

(Video via MSN)

Edson Barboza vs. Danny Castillo was the best fight in a pretty decent night of fights overall. What made it so special? Well, with the above highlights, you’ll be able to see for yourself.

First of all, it was a fantastic mixed martial arts contest. MMA fights turn into C-level kickboxing or 15-minute bouts of clinching too often these days. Barboza-Castillo reminded us what the sport is capable of in terms of excitement. There were near KOs, there were takedowns, there were submission attempts. The match represented the full range of fighting.

Second, the fight represented a comeback—not a Tim Boetsch vs. Yushin Okami level comeback—but a comeback nonetheless. Castillo brutalized Barboza in the first round; it appeared the Brazilian striking phenom was out of his depth. Barboza manged to reverse fortunes in the second round with leg and body kicks; his shins were meat tenderizers.

The third round was close, but it was ultimately Barboza that got the nod from the judges, winning via majority decision.

For their efforts, both men took home an extra $50,000 as part of the “Fight of the Night” bonus.

UFC on FOX 9 Results: Johnson Devastates Benavidez via Brutal KO, Faber Dominates and Submits McDonald

(And that’s the end of that chapter. Photo via Getty)

For an event that was initially much better on paper and seemed certain to disappoint, UFC on FOX 9 came through. The card was entertaining and ended in one of the best knockouts in recent memory.

The notable happenings on the prelims.

Sam Stout out-pointed Cody McKenzie, tenderizing the grappler’s liver and body throughout the 15-minute contest. The bashing of McKenzie’s body wasn’t the most interesting part though. No, the most interesting highlight from the fight was McKenzie wearing sponsor-less shorts with the price tag still hanging off them. Apparently, he showed up without shorts or even a mouthpiece. Pretty sad.

Zach Makovsky defeated Scott Jorgensen via decision. Interestingly enough, Makovsky—a former Bellator champ—didn’t have to prove himself in WSOF to get a shot in the UFC. Funny how things work out like that, isn’t it?

Pat Healy dropped a unanimous decision to Bobby Green. The crowd booed the announcement (or maybe they were saying boo-urns). The decision wasn’t horrible although it was pretty clear Green didn’t win all three rounds (but somehow 2/3 judges thought he did).

Edson Barboza vs. Danny Castillo elevated the card’s energy level. In the first round, Castillo ran over Barboza like a freight train. He floored the Brazilian striker, unleashed vicious ground-and-pound, and nearly choked him out. Somehow, Barboza survived the torrent of offense and even managed to reverse his fortunes in the second round. In that frame, Barboza made use of leg and body kicks to stymie Castillo and nearly finish him. The third round was a little closer and slower-paced. Barboza walked away with a majority decision.

In the last preliminary fight, rising star and late replacement Ryan LaFlare carved up Court McGee‘s face with pinpoint striking. The Long Islander outworked McGee until the third round, where he started to gas a little bit. But LaFlare’s work in the first two rounds was enough to secure a unanimous decision.

Get the main card recap after the jump.

(And that’s the end of that chapter. / Photo via Getty)

For an event that was initially much better on paper and seemed certain to disappoint, UFC on FOX 9 came through. The card was entertaining and ended in one of the best knockouts in recent memory.

The notable happenings on the prelims:

Sam Stout out-pointed Cody McKenzie, tenderizing the grappler’s liver and body throughout the 15-minute contest. The bashing of McKenzie’s body wasn’t the most interesting part though. No, the most interesting highlight from the fight was McKenzie wearing sponsor-less shorts with the price tag still hanging off them. Apparently, he showed up without shorts or even a mouthpiece. Pretty sad.

Zach Makovsky defeated Scott Jorgensen via decision. Interestingly enough, Makovsky—a former Bellator champ—didn’t have to prove himself in WSOF to get a shot in the UFC. Funny how things work out like that, isn’t it?

Pat Healy dropped a unanimous decision to Bobby Green. The crowd booed the announcement (or maybe they were saying boo-urns). The decision wasn’t horrible although it was pretty clear Green didn’t win all three rounds (but somehow 2/3 judges thought he did).

Edson Barboza vs. Danny Castillo elevated the card’s energy level. In the first round, Castillo ran over Barboza like a freight train. He floored the Brazilian striker, unleashed vicious ground-and-pound, and nearly choked him out. Somehow, Barboza survived the torrent of offense and even managed to reverse his fortunes in the second round. In that frame, Barboza made use of leg and body kicks to stymie Castillo and nearly finish him. The third round was a little closer and slower-paced. Barboza walked away with a majority decision.

In the last preliminary fight, rising star and late replacement Ryan LaFlare carved up Court McGee‘s face with pinpoint striking. The Long Islander outworked McGee until the third round, where he started to gas a little bit. But LaFlare’s work in the first two rounds was enough to secure a unanimous decision.

The once-much-better main card began with a mismatch (though it was fun to watch). Joe Lauzon brutalized the hopelessly outmatched Mac Danzig for 15 minutes en route to a unanimous decision victory. It was a bloody affair. Lauzon tempered his intensity with caution, not over-pursuing any finishes. Instead, he remained content with control and moderate amounts of damage that snowballed into the end result: Danzig’s face looking like it had gone through a wood chipper.

Chad Mendes and Nik Lentz faced off next. Mendes was his normal studly self early on, but succumbed to the fight’s pace. He won the fight via UD. It wasn’t the prettiest performance though. During a post-fight news blurb on FOX, Ariel Helwani claimed Mendes had a sinus infection (I think that’s the first time we’ve heard that excuse), so maybe that explains it.

The co-main event of the evening pitted Urijah Faber vs. Michael McDonald. The 22-year-old McDonald was out of his depth. Faber took the first round easily enough. In the second, “The California Kid” stunned McDonald and swarmed him. After a few punches against the staggered McDonald, Faber scored a guillotine finish. It was an excellent display of killer instinct. Faber became an animal when he saw McDonald was hurt.

The main event ended in unbelievable fashion. Demetrious Johnson landed a right hook that lawnchair’d Joseph Benavidez in the first round. It’s undoubtedly the most incredible KO in flyweight history and will likely stay that way for quite some time.

TL;DR – UFC on FOX 9 was supposed to be an incredible free card that demanded our attention. It was still fun due to the performances on the main card, but it could’ve been so much more had the plague of injuries never happened.

Complete Results:

Main Card

Demetrious Johnson def. Joseph Benavidez via KO (punch), 2:08 of Round 1
Urijah Faber def. Michael McDonald via submission (guillotine), 3:22 of Round 2
Chad Mendes def. Nik Lentz via unanimous decision (30-27, 30-27, 29-28)
Joe Lauzon def. Mac Danzig via unanimous decision (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)

Preliminary Card

Ryan LaFlare def. Court McGee via unanimous decision (29-28, 29-28, 29-28)
Edson Barboza def. Danny Castillo via majority decision (30-27, 30-27, 29-28)
Bobby Green def. Pat Healy via unanimous decision (30-27, 30-27, 29-28)
Zach Makovsky def. Scott Jorgensen via unanimous decision (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)
Sam Stout def. Cody McKenzie via unanimous decision (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)
Abel Trujillo def. Roger Bowling via TKO (strikes), 1:35 of Round 2
Alptekin Ozkilic def. Daren Uyenoyama via split decision (30-27, 28-29, 29-28)