High Class Heels: MMA’s Top Eight Bad Boys

While athletes are often looked upon as role models and admirable figures, some just don’t fit the mold. Sure, there’s plenty of classy, respectful athletes that go on to have extremely successful careers, but there always has to be a bad guy to balance things out. This is widely relevant in the sport of mixed

The post High Class Heels: MMA’s Top Eight Bad Boys appeared first on LowKick MMA.

While athletes are often looked upon as role models and admirable figures, some just don’t fit the mold.

Sure, there’s plenty of classy, respectful athletes that go on to have extremely successful careers, but there always has to be a bad guy to balance things out.

This is widely relevant in the sport of mixed martial arts, as personality and style can often times weigh out skill in terms of popularity and fan reception.

Aside from the class act champions like all-time great Georges “Rush” St-Pierre, we have seen many fighters travel down different paths.

Whether it be mistakes made, or a conscious decision to embrace the role of a heel, we have seen our fair share of bad boys in the UFC.

Let’s take a look at the top eight:

The post High Class Heels: MMA’s Top Eight Bad Boys appeared first on LowKick MMA.