21 Times the UFC Proved They Cared More About Entertainment Than Sport

(#22: Building doors out of wet cardboard for dramatic effect.)

The UFC is not a sports organization. They’re an entertainment company that dabbles in athletic competition. Here’s the proof:

1. Firing Jake Shields.

2. Firing Yushin Okami.

3. Firing Jon Fitch.

4. Not firing Dan Hardy (“I like guys who WAR“)

5. Giving Chael Sonnen a title shot coming off a loss.

6. Giving Nick Diaz a title shot coming off a loss.

7. Bringing a 1-0 Brock Lesnar into the UFC.

8. James Toney.

9. Signing Sean Gannon after he beat Kimbo Slice via exhaustion in an illegal bare-knuckle street fight.

10. Putting Kimbo Slice on a main card after he went 0-1 in the TUF House.

(#22: Building doors out of wet cardboard for dramatic effect.)

The UFC is not a sports organization. They’re an entertainment company that dabbles in athletic competition. Here’s the proof:

1. Firing Jake Shields.

2. Firing Yushin Okami.

3. Firing Jon Fitch.

4. Not firing Dan Hardy (“I like guys who WAR“)

5. Giving Chael Sonnen a title shot coming off a loss.

6. Giving Nick Diaz a title shot coming off a loss.

7. Bringing a 1-0 Brock Lesnar into the UFC.

8. James Toney.

9. Signing Sean Gannon after he beat Kimbo Slice via exhaustion in an illegal bare-knuckle street fight.

10. Putting Kimbo Slice on a main card after he went 0-1 in the TUF House.

11. Allowing alcohol in the TUF house.

12. Telling Ben Askren to win some fights.

13. Basically refusing to sign Cris Cyborg forever.

14. Lying about all the fighter’s credentials and accomplishments for UFC 1.

15. Lying about all the fighter’s credentials and accomplishments in the modern day.

16. Instant rematches when the wrong guy wins.

17. Interviewing Hulk Hogan and the Undertaker whenever they show up at events.

18. The fact that you can buy Arianny t-shirts on the UFC website.

19. Every single time when they brought a potential opponent into the cage to square off with someone who just won their fight (this is our favorite example).

20. Bringing back Tank Abbott in the early 2000′s.

21. Dana White vs. Tito Ortiz.

(And here comes Bruce Buffer with a steel chair!)

Arianny Celeste Calls Ronda Rousey a Poor “Role Model,” Immediately Poses Nude on Hotel Balcony


UFC ring girl Arianny Celeste and UFC women’s bantamweight champion Ronda Rousey have a lot in common in that they’re both women who have posed nude before. And while one of them is a former Olympian and the other is a former Ring Girl of the Year winner (2x!), it appears that the latter isn’t too high on how the former carries herself.

Yes, the woman whose breasts nearly destroyed CagePotato back in 2010 recently sat down with MMAJunkie radio (not nude on a hotel balcony, as previously speculated in this article’s title) to plug her show, Overhaulin‘. After a thirty second discussion about her social media presence that felt four hours long, the conversation eventually shifted to whether or not Celeste felt that Rousey was a good role model for our nation’s yoots. Her answer was so deeply profound that upon hearing it, Deepak Chopra allegedly threw his hands in the air and declared his life a sham:

I don’t really like the way she carries herself. I don’t think she’s a good role model for women. I think that women should empower each other and give each other a little pat on the back. (Ed. note: Or sometimes, a kiss on the backside.)

She’s paving the way for women’s MMA, and I’ve made being a UFC Octagon Girl into a career. She should definitely recognize that and be nice.

“The key to being a successful fighter…is being nice.” — Arianny Celeste


UFC ring girl Arianny Celeste and UFC women’s bantamweight champion Ronda Rousey have a lot in common in that they’re both women who have posed nude before. And while one of them is a former Olympian and the other is a former Ring Girl of the Year winner (2x!), it appears that the latter isn’t too high on how the former carries herself.

Yes, the woman whose breasts nearly destroyed CagePotato back in 2010 recently sat down with MMAJunkie radio (not nude on a hotel balcony, as previously speculated in this article’s title) to plug her show, Overhaulin‘. After a thirty second discussion about her social media presence that felt four hours long, the conversation eventually shifted to whether or not Celeste felt that Rousey was a good role model for our nation’s yoots. Her answer was so deeply profound that upon hearing it, Deepak Chopra allegedly threw his hands in the air and declared his life a sham:

I don’t really like the way she carries herself. I don’t think she’s a good role model for women. I think that women should empower each other and give each other a little pat on the back. (Ed. note: Or sometimes, a kiss on the backside.)

She’s paving the way for women’s MMA, and I’ve made being a UFC Octagon Girl into a career. She should definitely recognize that and be nice.

“The key to being a successful fighter…is being nice.” — Arianny Celeste

Obviously, Celeste is commenting on Rousey’s heel-esque turn in recent months/years, which has branded the champion as “crazy” in many an MMA fans eyes. While Rousey’s brash, unforgiving personality is seemingly turning off more fans by the day, it’s also fueling said fans desire to see her fail. It’s building her brand. In a division that is essentially a feeder system for Rousey, the outside possibility of seeing her fall from her pedestal could be the factor that puts asses in seats as her career progresses. The matchups themselves sure won’t, that’s for sure.

The fact is, Ronda Rousey is the antithesis of what MMA fans (and apparently, Ms. Celeste) expect of a female fighter, let alone one on her level. Without reducing this to a “sexism in MMA” argument, it is interesting to note that the same people who double over with laughter whenever Chael Sonnen embraces his heel role recoil with disgust whenever Rousey does the same. Maybe it’s because they feel that Rousey’s grating personality is more genuine than Sonnen’s, or maybe it’s simply because they, like Ms. Celeste, expect a woman to be prim, proper, and “nice” (or “fake nice” as Rousey would likely put it) even when they break arms for a living.

Then again, considering the source of criticism here is a woman whose understanding of feminism is right up there with Farrah Abraham’s, maybe we’ve already read too far into Celeste’s statements.

J. Jones

The 39 Most Incredible MMA Photos We Posted on Facebook This Year [GALLERY]

(MMA face-swap of the century: Tito and Jenna at the Grammys, via JCSUPERMAN on the UG)

CagePotato isn’t just an outdated MMA blog featuring incredibly biased articles and a non-functional comment section. The truth is, CP is an online media empire, which includes our daily complaints and arguments on Twitter, MMA GIFs and videos on our Tumblr page, and the amazing/ridiculous photographs and memes we post on Facebook.

We spent all morning combing our Facebook photo gallery and hand-picked 39 of the most memorable images that we posted in 2013, which we’ve laid out below along with their original descriptions. Enjoy, and if you’re not following us yet, get with the damn program.

January 8th: Chael Sonnen before he was a superstar heel, and Jeff Monson before he was a walking art gallery. #oldschool #mma

January 9th: Photo of the day: Ed O’Neill chokes out Royce Gracie on the set of Modern Family.

(MMA face-swap of the century: Tito and Jenna at the Grammys, via JCSUPERMAN on the UG)

CagePotato isn’t just an outdated MMA blog featuring incredibly biased articles and a non-functional comment section. The truth is, CP is an online media empire, which includes our daily complaints and arguments on Twitter, MMA GIFs and videos on our Tumblr page, and the amazing/ridiculous photographs and memes we post on Facebook.

We spent all morning combing our Facebook photo gallery and hand-picked 39 of the most memorable images that we posted in 2013, which we’ve laid out below along with their original descriptions. Enjoy, and if you’re not following us yet, get with the damn program.

January 8th: Chael Sonnen before he was a superstar heel, and Jeff Monson before he was a walking art gallery. #oldschool #mma

January 9th: Photo of the day: Ed O’Neill chokes out Royce Gracie on the set of Modern Family.

January 13th: Nate Marquardt’s leg, you guys. Gross.

January 18th: “You said it, man. Nobody f*cks with the Jesus.” (Props: @TheUG)

January 24th: Aryane Steinkopf, your Brazilian MMA ring girl of the day. Lots more photos here: http://brk.to/fo0g

February 25th: Fill in the blank: When this happened, I nearly ___ my pants.

March 4th: Well that is just beautiful. Photos by Joshua Hedges/Getty Images, via Deadspin

March 25th: Arlovski’s missing teeth vs. Cavalcante’s head-gash…which WSOF 2 injury was nastier? (JZ photo via @ryanloco)

March 26th: “…a scowl that has remained a mystery to art historians for centuries.” #monadiaz via @ChrisWhite209

The 12 Greatest Ring Girls in UFC History, Ranked

(Edith and Arianny on the job, back when the phrase “GOD’S STREET SOLDIER” used to mean something. / Photo via CombatLifestyle.com)

When ranking the greatest UFC ring girls of all time, four criteria must be considered: looks, personality, longevity, and whether or not they ever posed nude for Playboy. (That last one is probably the most important.) So in honor of the UFC’s 20th anniversary, we decided to pay tribute to the unsung heroines of the Octagon, who bravely circle the cage in booty-shorts to remind drunken fans what round it is. Disagree with our list? Then let us know in the comments section, tough guy.

#12 & #11 (tie): Chrissy Blair and Vanessa Hanson

Chrissy and Vanessa both made their UFC ring girl debuts in 2011 after winning contests put on by Transworld, and were officially added to the Octagon Girl rotation earlier this year following a stint in Strikeforce. They’re kind of a package deal, and we can’t decide which one is more attractive, so we’ll let them share the leadoff spots on this list. (Honestly, the Betty and Veronica thing will never go out of style.) Chrissy and Vanessa were most recently seen earlier this month, supporting the troops.

For further viewing:
Golden goddess
The artsy black and white shot
Long tall Chrissy
She really ties the room together
Coming undone
A woman in uniform
Strikeforce’s dynamic duo

#10: Jessica Cambensy

(Edith and Arianny on the job, back when the phrase “GOD’S STREET SOLDIER” used to mean something. / Photo via CombatLifestyle.com)

When ranking the greatest UFC ring girls of all time, four criteria must be considered: looks, personality, longevity, and whether or not they ever posed nude for Playboy. (That last one is probably the most important.) So in honor of the UFC’s 20th anniversary, we decided to pay tribute to the unsung heroines of the Octagon, who bravely circle the cage in booty-shorts to remind drunken fans what round it is. Disagree with our list? Then let us know in the comments section, tough guy.

#12 & #11 (tie): Chrissy Blair and Vanessa Hanson

Chrissy and Vanessa both made their UFC ring girl debuts in 2011 after winning contests put on by Transworld, and were officially added to the Octagon Girl rotation earlier this year following a stint in Strikeforce. They’re kind of a package deal, and we can’t decide which one is more attractive, so we’ll let them share the leadoff spots on this list. (Honestly, the Betty and Veronica thing will never go out of style.) Chrissy and Vanessa were most recently seen earlier this month, supporting the troops.

For further viewing:
Golden goddess
The artsy black and white shot
Long tall Chrissy
She really ties the room together
Coming undone
A woman in uniform
Strikeforce’s dynamic duo

#10: Jessica Cambensy

Winner of the 2012 Potato Award for Best Female Newcomer, Jessica is part of the Octagon Girl crew for the UFC’s Asian events. The Chinese-Filipina-American model made her debut last November at UFC on FUEL 6: Franklin vs. Le, and will hopefully show up to rescue the UFC’s garbage-ass Singapore card in January.

For further viewing:
Cosplay: You’re doing it right
Pure beauty
– Kissy face
Leopard print
More cosplay, just because

#9: Jhenny Andrade

Meanwhile in South America, Jhenny Andrade has stood out as the most impressive local Octagon Girl in a pool that already includes such beauties as Aline Franzoi and Camila Oliveira. The Sao Paulo-bred model first showed up at UFC 163 in August, and has held round-cards at UFC events on a monthly basis since then. The sky’s the limit for this young Brazilian phenom.

For further viewing:
Our lips are sealed
She wears it well
Falling off the bed
Who’s there? [NSFW-ish]

#8. Holly Madison

Maybe it’s cheating to include a woman who only appeared as a UFC ring girl twice and has already retired from the game. But the blonde bombshell and reality TV star certainly made a lasting impression when she showed up for guest Octagon Girl performances at UFC 100 and UFC 125. And yes, she’s posed nude for Playboy. Like, lots of times. If you don’t believe me, ask the Internet.

For further viewing:
Best PETA ad ever
Insufficient coverage
Posing by the pool
Arm-candy Hall of Fame
Naughty gnome

#7. Logan Stanton

The German-Japanese model from Niceville made her UFC debut in December 2008, and quickly stole our hearts with her winning smile, quirky laugh, and craft projects. Unfortunately, she was fired a year later without explanation. (See also: Natasha Wicks.) Since then, Logan has booked countless modeling gigs and co-founded a jewelry line, but other than a cameo appearance at UFC 149 last July, Logan has put down the round cards for good.

For further viewing:
Fist-posing in her ring girl uniform
The reverse angle
More bikini goodness
The classic mirror-selfie
Black-and-white, clothing optional

Hit that “next page” link to see the Top 6…

Photo Gallery: UFC Ring Girl Arianny Celeste Heats Up Auto Makeover Show Overhaulin’

(Photos courtesy of APIX Syndication via MadeMan.com)

Tonight at 9 p.m./8c, veteran UFC Octagon Girl Arianny Celeste makes her debut as the co-host of Overhaulin’, an “extreme auto makeover series” on the Velocity channel. To honor the occasion, our buds at MadeMan have posted a gallery of never-before-seen Arianny Celeste photos, along with some handy biographical information and career facts. Even longtime followers of Ms. Celeste’s work might be surprised to learn her actual full name, which is apparently “Arianny Celeste-Penelope Lopez Marquez.” Huh. Good to know.

Check out MadeMan’s full Arianny Celeste gallery right here!

(Photos courtesy of APIX Syndication via MadeMan.com)

Tonight at 9 p.m./8c, veteran UFC Octagon Girl Arianny Celeste makes her debut as the co-host of Overhaulin’, an “extreme auto makeover series” on the Velocity channel. To honor the occasion, our buds at MadeMan have posted a gallery of never-before-seen Arianny Celeste photos, along with some handy biographical information and career facts. Even longtime followers of Ms. Celeste’s work might be surprised to learn her actual full name, which is apparently “Arianny Celeste-Penelope Lopez Marquez.” Huh. Good to know.

Check out MadeMan’s full Arianny Celeste gallery right here!

Fear the Fighter Caption Contest #2: And the Winner Is…

(Photo via Getty.)

Thanks to everybody who entered last week’s Buff-tacular Fear the Fighter caption contest! Before we reveal who won a Combat Line t-shirt of his/her choice courtesy of Fear the Fighter, check out a few honorable mentions that almost made the cut, from Thursday’s post and the Facebook thread

El Drizzle: Bruce Buffer: the original “Uncle Creepy.”

Jenn Baird: At least this one acknowledges that I even exist.

Brad White: So that’s the guy who bought my T-shirt!

Rudy Rosado: IT’S TIME!!!!!! . . . . . for a threesome.

Scott Butler: Joke’s on Arianny. I am wearing Brittney Palmer underwear.

And the winner is…

(Photo via Getty.)

Thanks to everybody who entered last week’s Buff-tacular Fear the Fighter caption contest! Before we reveal who won a Combat Line t-shirt of his/her choice courtesy of Fear the Fighter, check out a few honorable mentions that almost made the cut, from Thursday’s post and the Facebook thread

El Drizzle: Bruce Buffer: the original “Uncle Creepy.”

Jenn Baird: At least this one acknowledges that I even exist.

Brad White: So that’s the guy who bought my T-shirt!

Rudy Rosado: IT’S TIME!!!!!! . . . . . for a threesome.

Scott Butler: Joke’s on Arianny. I am wearing Brittney Palmer underwear.

And the winner is…

B Donovan Fousel: $20 bucks to wear Arianny as a shirt? How much to wear her like a hat?

Yeaaaaaah buddy! BDF, please check the “Other” folder in your Facebook messages, because we just sent you a note. As for the rest of you, stay tuned for one more chance to win a Combat Line t-shirt — like the “Boxing Club 2013″ design shown below — and check out more killer gear at FearTheFighter.com!